Lone & Single Parents

IRELAND has one of the highest rates in Europe of children living in single-parent households. Almost one in four children in Ireland come from a lone parent household, compared to the EU average of just one in seven. And while some countries like Latvia, Estonia and Britain have a similar figure to that in Ireland, others like Spain and Greece only have one in 14 and one in 20 children respectively living with one parent. New Facts & Figures.

One Family

One Family is a leading national organisation for one-parent families in Ireland. Progressing the work of Cherish, we work with all types and all members of one-parent families, respecting the realities of family life in Ireland, to affect positive change and achieve equality and social inclusion for all one-parent families in Ireland.

We aim to provide high-quality, much-needed services to the many different one-parent families in Ireland and the professionals working with them. We also work hard to ensure that one-parent families have a clear voice that is heard by policy and decision-makers. We hope you find our website useful.

Phone: 01 662 9212
askonefamily helpline Lo-Call: 1890 662212
[email protected]


Citizens Information

One Family Payment


SpunOut.ie is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people.

Social Welfare guide for lone parent here


Treoir is the National Specialist Information Centre for Unmarried Parents. It provides a free and confidential information service to unmarried parents, their families and those in the services working with unmarried parents.
The topics covered include legal issues (guardianship, access, custody, birth registration, passports, cohabiting parents, etc); social welfare (One-Parent Family Payment, Rent Supplement, welfare to work, etc); shared parenting and other issues such as income tax, childcare, housing, etc.
Treoir offers workshops to groups of unmarried parents and to groups of workers who provide services to unmarried parents. Workshops can be tailored to the individual needs of a particular group.

Phone: 01 6700 120

Lo-Call: 1890 252 084

[email protected]

