‘While gender affects the health of both men and women, there are significant health consequences of discrimination against women in nearly every society. Poverty, unequal power relations between women and men and unequal access to resources, are powerful barriers to women in achieving and maintaining optimal levels of health.’ Read more of the report on the National Women's Council of Ireland website.
March 2014 - NWCI also published 'a user friendly guide to providing health services responsive to the needs of women and men Gender Matters'. In 2018 NWCI published a new report on 'Women's mental health in their own words' which you can find here.
In September the Department of Health established a Women's Health Taskforce to improve women's health outcomes and experiences of healthcare. You see their ongoing findings HERE.
Please view all the local Health Centres in Dun Laoghaire and Dundrum area
The following services are free of charge:
Smear testing
Cervical Check - The National Cervical Screening Programme provides free smear tests to women aged 25 to 60. A smear test is a simple procedure that only takes minutes and is the most effective way to detect changes in the cells of the cervix.
To arrange a smear test you can contact a registered smeartaker of your choice to make an appointment. Thousands of GPs, practice nurses, Women's Health, Family Planning and Well Woman Clinics all over Ireland are registered and you can see a full list in the 'Find a Smeartaker' section of this site. CervicalCheck also sends invitation letters to women who are on the CervicalCheck register. You can check that you are on the register in the 'Check register' section of www.cervicalcheck.ie
If you are not on the register you can add or update your personal details. If you have any questions you can call CervicalCheck on Freephone 1800 45 45 55.
Women who have already availed of a CervicalCheck smear test since the start of the programme on 1 September 2008 will be automatically re-called when their next smear test is due.
For more information call the Freephone 1 800 454555 0r see www.cervicalcheck.ie
Breast Check
BreastCheck is a Government-funded programme providing breast screening and invites women aged 50 to 64 for a free mammogram on an area-by-area basis every two years. The aim of BreastCheck is to reduce deaths from breast cancer by finding and treating the disease at an early stage.
BreastCheck encourages all women who receive an invitation to attend their appointment. Women who have any concerns regarding their appointment can contact BreastCheck on Freephone 1800 45 45 55.
BreastCheck continually encourages all women to check they are on the BreastCheck register and details are correct.
The BreastCheck Access Officer can arrange extra help for people with disabilities. More details here.
Breast screening is for women without symptoms and we urge any woman who has any concerns to visit her family doctor/GP immediately even if she has had a recent mammogram. We also encourage all women to remain breast aware between or after screenings and to check for any symptoms or changes in their breasts.
Screening promotion officers are available to work with community groups, women’s groups and health professionals on request. Please email [email protected] with your request and a member of the team covering your area will contact you.
For more information also see www.breastcheck.ie
Eating Disorder
For some of us, being the wrong size or shape leads to behavior that ruins or even threatens our lives. Eating disorders are illnesses that are generally believed to affect women rather than men. However, anyone can develop an eating disorder, regardless of age, sex, cultural or racial background. The following websites gives you more information and support:
Eating Disorder Association of Ireland www.bodywhys.ie/
Eating Disorder Resource Centre in Ireland www.eatingdisorders.ie/
Crisis Pregnancy Counselling
Information and support on all your options, including continued pregnancy supports and abortion services. Contact the My Options freephone line on 1800 828 010
Living Well with Dementia
Living Well with Dementia is a three year community-based project which aims to raise awareness about dementia, reduce stigma, promote early diagnosis and provide support for people living with dementia in Stillorgan/Blackrock. The project aims to build upon the existing community spirit in these areas.
The community as a whole, including shops, schools, clubs, recreational facilities and business will be given the opportunity to come together with health care professionals to gain an understanding of dementia and contribute to the care and wellbeing of the person with dementia as they travel their journey.
For more information please contact E-mail: [email protected]
Also volunteers required to support our activities by becoming a befriender with the Living Well with Dementia Project. This may involve visiting someone in their home or accompanying them in their daily activities such as shopping, swimming, golf, gardening, visits to the library, or providing transport to our local activity groups.
Time commitment : 1-2 hours per week.
Garda Vetting is a requirement. Training and support will be provided.
HIV Ireland
Support and Advocacy
HIV Ireland provides support, information and advocacy services to people living with HIV and their families and caregivers including:
advocacy & mediation
referral services
social welfare information
one-to-one support
HIV/sexual health/harm reduction information AND support to non-sector agency professionals encountering people living with HIV or at-risk clients.
For further information, please contact the CS Co-ordinator. Email:[email protected] or telephone 01-873379
For more information look up https://www.hivireland.ie/
The Women's Health Project
The HSE Women’s Health Service (WHS) and Anti-Human Trafficking Team (AHTT) is a statutory service provided by Health Service Executive. The WHS operates sexual health clinic services and outreach support to women/trans women involved in sex industry. The AHTT has responsibility for care planning for both female/male victims of trafficking in all areas of exploitation.
HSE Women’s Health Service/Anti-Human Trafficking Team has moved and here is new address:
Women’s Health Service/Anti-Human Trafficking Team
The Meath Primary Care Centre
1-9 Heytesbury Street
Dublin 8
Telephone: 0766958280
Please note Women’s Health Service clinic times have changed
Open Tuesday 2-4pm by appointment
Wednesday 2-4pm
Thursday 6-8pm
For more information please look here.
Healthy Food Made Easy Programme
This Community based nutrition and cooking programme aims to encourage healthy eating, to improve the knowledge of nutrition when preparing meals at home and to eat healthy meals on a budget.
This is a 6 weeks course of 2 - 2,5 hour sessions per week. There will be an opportunity for all participants to prepare, cook and eat healthy food.
If you have any questions or belong to a group that would like further information please contact
HFME Project Coordinator
Southside Partnership
Phone: 01 706 0100
E-mail: [email protected]
More information on Southside Partnership website