Migrant Women in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
Migrant women are making significant, positive contributions to Ireland and have opportunities to enrich their lives and the lives of their families. But migrant women may also face a ‘double disadvantage’, which relates to being both a woman and a migrant. They can experience discrimination and overrepresentation in the lowest paid jobs.
Positive two-way integration between Irish and non-Irish women will strengthen migrant women’s potential to contribute to as well as benefit from Irish society.
The following organisations offer support and opportunities to meet other women:
Southside Partnership
Women’s Programme
We create friendly spaces where women from all backgrounds throughout DLR County can meet, learn, grow and contribute. We provide free or affordable courses including English language communication, personal development, arts & crafts, and leadership development. It is also important to us to make the voices of Irish and non-Irish women heard in the decision-making structures in the County.
The Southside Partnership Women’s Programme also organises regular Multicultural Women’s Breakfasts together with the women4women network dlr.
Every 6-8 weeks Irish and migrant women are invited to celebrate, learn, share information and enjoy food brought from all the different cultures represented. This is a free drop in event and locations will vary.
More information on the Women’s Programme including events and courses is available on www.women4women.ie. If you have a query please contact Rafika on [email protected] or call 087 720 3665.
Ukrainian & International Protection applicant response team
The Southside Partnership Ukrainian and IPa Response Team provide a range of supports and services to Ukrainians living in group settings and host families across the DLR county, we also support IPA’s including children and families and men living in group settings.
For more information please contact Karla on [email protected]
DLR Ethnic Minority Integration Forum
DLR Ethnic Minority Integration Forum will promote integration in the DLR County and work in partnership with others to ensure the needs of Ethnic Minorities are included in decisions that have an impact on them.
For more information please look up https://dlrintegration.ie
Dun Laoghaire Migrant Refuge Project
This projects offers a weekly drop in session for their members. Contac details: [email protected].
WEMIN European funded project 2018-2019
WEMIN is a new integration project funded through AMIF. It aims to implement and promote a comprehensive good practice integration model for migrant/refugee women in Europe. 9 organisations from 8 countries are involved in the research project. Social, cultural, educational and professional aspects of inclusion will be addressed and active participation will be achived.
This project is funded by European Union's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund under grant agreement No 776211. AMIF
Integration Programme 2014 and 2015 funded through European Integration Funds
In 2014 and the first half of 2015 the Southside Partnership ran an intercultural project for women from non-EU countries who recently arrived in Ireland. This project was funded by the European Integration Fund. The project offered a series training and integration events for migrant women living in DLR.
Many thanks to all participants!
Advancing Cultural DL Booklet-PRINT
Advancing Cultural Dialog - An intercultural project for women in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
This project was co-financed by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality, and Pobal.
Non EU Nationals
Residence rights of non-EEA nationals (CIC)
Permission to stay in Ireland, stamps and conditions (INIS)
Dun Laoghaire Ethnic Minority Integration Forum
The dlr Social Inclusion Unit, in partnership with The New Communities Partnership (NCP) and supported by Southside Partnership have established an Integration Forum in the County. The mission of the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Ethnic Minority Integration Forum is to work in collaboration with stakeholders that operate within the county of Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown to ensure that their plans and policies reflect the social, cultural and economic needs of the ethnic minority communities in the county.
More information is available from the Social Inclusion Officer.
Phone: 01 204 7229
Email: [email protected]
Islamic Cultural Centre in Ireland
In the years since its opening the ICCI has worked to build bridges between the Muslim community and the wider Irish community, both in a professional and social capacity. One of the departments within the ICCI is that of the Women's section, its main purpose: to address the needs of Muslim women on a daily basis and to arrange educational workshops and courses for this purpose.
To learn more about the Women’s Department please see www.islamireland.ie
19 Roebuck Road
Dublin 14
Phone: 01 208 0000
Garda Diversity Committee
The Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Garda Diversity Committee was established in 2009. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life of ethnic minorities in Ireland by creating a platform of engagement between the diverse communities living and/or working in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown and An Garda Siochana.
The current Committee has representatives from a range of diverse communities living and/or working in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown. The Committee would like to expand the group to include people from as many backgrounds as possible who would take part in various events that they plan and organise during the year. These events and workshops will be of relevance to people who have decided to make Ireland their home either for the long term or short term.
The Garda Diversity Committee can take up issues on behalf of people living or working in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown with the local Garda Siochana even if the issue has taken place in another Garda district.
If you would like to take part in the activities of the Committee or would like more information, please email [email protected].
Migrant Rights Centre Ireland
Since 2001, MRCI has provided frontline advocacy and information services to migrants in Ireland. They are committed to ensuring free, confidential, accurate and up-to-date information on immigration, employment and access to services.
The Drop-In Centre at 13 Lower Dorset Street, Dublin 1 is open every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm.
This service is open to everyone; please call in if you need support. If you can't come to the Centre, their caseworkers provide free and confidential advice by email.
Phone: 01 889 7570
Akina Dada wa Africa (AkiDwA; Swahili for sisterhood) is a minority, ethnic-led, national network of African and migrant women living in Ireland. This non-governmental organisation with charitable status was established in August 2001 by a group of African women to address the needs of an expanding population of African and migrant women resident in Ireland. The organisation is a recognised authoritative and representative body for migrant women, irrespective of their national/ethnic background, tradition, religious beliefs, socio-economic or legal status. AkiDwA’s advocacy approach is based on a gender perspective and the organisation promotes an equal society, free of racism, discrimination and stereotyping. AkiDwA’s advocacy approach is based on strengthening migrant women’s voice, applying a gender perspective to policies and practices and promoting the equality of migrant women in Irish society, free of gender and racial stereotyping.
More information is available on www.akidwa.ie
Unit 2 Killarney Court
Buckingham Street
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 834 9851
Mobile: 086 3096859
Email: [email protected]
Cairde - Health Information and Advocacy Centre
Cairde is a community development organisation working to tackle health inequalities among ethnic minority communities by improving ethnic minority access to health services, and ethnic minority participation in health planning and delivery.
The centre provides information and support on medical card applications, GPs and hospitals, maternity services and social welfare.
More information on www.cairde.ie
19 Belvedere Place
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 855 2111
Email: [email protected]
Drop in 10am - 5pm Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday; 2pm - 5pm Wednesday
You can also email a worker that speak other language then English.
Crosscare Migrant Project (formerly Emigrant Advice) is an information, advocacy and referral organisation for migrants in vulnerable situations. It is a project of Crosscare, the Social Care Agency of the Dublin Archdiocese. Crosscare Migrant Project works with intending, existing and returning Irish emigrants, as well as new migrants in Ireland.
To find out more about the Migrant Project go to www.migrantproject.ie
Crosscare Migrant Project has also created an easy to use multipurpose resource/website. It provides general information on rights in five languages as well as exploring culture, language, history, society and participation in Ireland.- www.livinginireland.ie/
Crosscare Migrant Project:
1 Cathedral Street
Dublin 1
Phone: 01 873 2844
Email: [email protected]
ENAR Ireland - working collectively to eradicate racism in Ireland
ENAR Ireland (European Network Against Racism Ireland) is a national network of anti-racism civil society organisations which aims to work collectively to highlight and address the issue of racism in Ireland through the promotion and monitoring of EU and global anti-racist initiatives. ENAR Ireland is the Irish National Coordination for the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) based in Brussels.
phone: 01 889 7110
Refugee Legal Service
Confidential and independent legal services for persons applying for asylum in Ireland.
Find more information on www.legalaidboard.ie
Freephone 1800 23 83 43
Mon to Fri from 9.15am - 5.30pm
Immigrant Council of Ireland
The Immigrant Council of Ireland’s (ICI) Information and Support Service provides information about the immigration system for people who come to Ireland to visit, work, study or live.
Also available: information on 'Independent Immigration status for non-EEA nationals experiencing domestic violence'
The Information, Support and Referral Service can be contacted by telephone on (01) 674 0200 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4.30pm. The service is closed on Wednesdays.
For more information go to www.immigrantcouncil.ie
St Andrew Street
Dublin 2,
Phone: Information Service (01) 674 0200
Phone: Administration (01) 674 0202
The New Communities Partnership
NCP also offers a free service for immigrants who are applying for Citizenship which would be of interest to new communities. Citizenship Application Support Service offers a free service for immigrant who are applying for citizenship.
It is aimed at applicants intending to apply for naturalisation as Irish Citizens.
For FREE Support & Information call Citizenship Application Support Service on 01 6713887
For free drop – in – service: Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am – 4 pm New Communities Partnership, 10 Cornmarket, Dublin 8
' Women's Space' is a new space in Dublin for migrant women to link with other women.
Women are welcome to come along on the first Friday of each month to talk, learn, laugh, network, study, discuss, advice and ask advice.
All women are welcome on the first Friday of every month from 11 am - 1 pm.
Phone: 01 671 3639
Migrant Women experiencing Domestic Violence
Information in 6 different languages is available on the following links: French, Polish, Ukrainian, Spanish,Arabic and Chinese (Mandarin).
Telephone Interpretation Service of Women's Aid:
If English is not your first language, Women's Aid can help you.
The Women's Aid National Freephone Helpline can offer support women in over 170 languages through our Telephone Interpretation Service.
If you would like to speak to Women's Aid call the Helpline on
1800 341 900 (open 10am to 10pm, 7 days a week):
• Tell Women's Aid what language you speak.
• They will ask you to hold. This process takes a few minutes. Please wait until They come back to you.
•Women's Aid will connect you with an interpreter.
•The interpreter will then help you to speak to Women's Aid in your own language.
This service is free and confidential.
www.nwci.ie - National Women's Council Of Ireland - The central purpose of the National Women's Council of Ireland is to promote women's rights and women's equality. They also work on Integration and Anti - racism.